Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 145: More Framing Progress


We've made some great progress in the last two days. Thursday we had good framing weather, hot and dry. We got the remainder of the main level exterior and interior walls up. It was fun to walk through the house and get a feel for how each room was turning out. Here's the progress from Thursday:

Here's the first shot of Mandy in her new craft room. Not sure what Emmy's wearing. Or what's going on with her face.

Here's a view out the back window. You can see the catwalk between the girls and boys bedrooms above.

This is looking out our kitchen windows.

We never think of our house as big. Until we look at it from the back.

Front of the house.

Here's Friday's progress.

Overview - you can see that they've started the second story wall and a small part of the roof panel above the kitchen.

Here's Mandy with the boys' bedrooms behind her.

Here's the bridge leading from the boys' bedrooms to the girls' bedrooms. The stairwell is on the right at the end of the bridge.

Daily StatsHours Worked
All Time14510097640.5$13,496.75
Summary of 8/29/2014
Work Done Today
Framed second floor (partial) and second story walls (partial)
Materials Used Today
Who Helped Today
Contractors On Site
Square Cuts

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